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Bioterrorism, Is enough being done?

Bioterrorism is the release and dissemination of biological agents with the intention of causing disease in humans, animals, and plants and cause panic among human societies. These agents—bacteria, viruses or toxins are most often mutated and altered to enhance their disease causing ability and resistance to modern medicine available against them.
Mostly these attacks like Ameritrax are intended to infect humans. On other occasions these agents like foot-and-mouth disease virus are used to cause economic damage while they have no capacity to infect humans.
In 1915 and 1916 USA and Russia arrested two alleged German agent who had tried to infect horses with glanders in both the countries. In 1972 two college students were arrested who had planned to poison Chicago's water supply with typhoid and other bacteria. In 1984 in Oregon, followers of the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh infected salad bars, doorknobs and other public dominions in an attempt to sway public election in their favour. The attack left 751 people with severe food poisoning. There were no fatalities however. In June 1993 the religious group Aum Shinrikyo released anthrax bacteria in Tokyo. Luckily the attack in such a crowded metropolitan proved to be a failure because the bacteria used were vaccine grade and could not cause any symptoms. The 21st century has thus far seen one major bioterrorist attack when letters laced with spores of anthrax were sent to news media offices and the U.S congress in September 2001. These letters killed 5 people. Some people argue that dengue outbreak in 2011 in Punjab was also a bioterrorist attack. In 2014 letters addressed to U.S Senator Roger wicker and U.S President Obama were intercepted at the U.S capitol. Both of these letters tested positive for ricin.
Since 1971 there have been more than 110,000 terrorist attacks worldwide and 33 of them have been biological.18 of the 34 bio-terrorism incidents occurred during the year 2001. Before 2001 there were 10 incidents and since 2001 there were 8.
Bioterrorism is a powerful weapon, owing to its access, easy dissemination and the panic it causes which is beyond the actual physical damage it causes. Military leaders and governments have learned its limitations as a military asset as it is not a friendly force and does not distinguish between friend and foe. Terrorists on the other hand are free lancers and in their hands it is a weapon of mass destruction since they know no limits whatsoever of this weapon and can and will deploy it anywhere as long as it satisfies and promotes their agenda.
Indeed in previous cases when bioterrorist attacks were carried out the actors had access to large amounts of funding and scientists. Funding and willing scientists do not however guarantee success. The claim was thus made that biological weapons are not only expensive but they require advanced technical training to make and to effectively carry out acts of terrorism with. Many experts would today argue that the cost & expertise barrier makes the threat from biological attacks extremely small. This statement is supported by the evidence that the majority of attacks have taken place in Western countries and were performed by Western citizens with advanced training in scientific research.
Despite the lack of biological attacks in the past decade, there are a number of dangerous and motivated organisations that have or are actively pursuing biological weapons. The most outspoken of these has been the global Al Qaeda network, whose leaders have frequently called for the development of Weapons of Mass Destruction. The primary message from Al Qaeda has included the call to use biological Weapons of Mass Destruction to terrorise Western nations. Al Qaeda had a particular focus on biological and nuclear weapons because of their potential for greatest harm.
The rapid advancements in genetic engineering can be a game changer, giving organisations pursuing biological weapons more variety and encouraging other organisations to consider it as potential weapon for the satisfaction of their agenda. Because the difficulty for attaining biological weapons has been lessened and is likely to continue to be lessened as more advances in biotechnology are made, it is important that the international community begins to frame policy that protects advances in science that acts to prevent the intentional abuse of synthetic biology. Disregarding this consideration will be costly period! A successful attack with a potent bioweapon, where no pharmaceutical interferences exist, will be deadly and the impact of such an attack will echo around the globe because bioweapons are not bound by international borders.
A similar kind of tool used by terrorist organisations is chemical weapons. The first successful use of chemical agents by terrorists was in 1994, when Aum Shinrikyo, released sarin gas in Matsumoto, Japan, killing 8 and harming 200. In 1995, Aum Shinrikyo released sarin into the Tokyo subway system killing 12 and injuring over 5,000. The next mass use of chemical weapons was seen in the Syrian Civil War on 21st August 2013 in which Syrian government used it against its own population. Organisation for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and UN formed a joint mission after investigation by UN revealed their presence at a large scale in Syria. OPCW was awarded Nobel Peace Prize for its work in Syria.
A similar organisation by the name of Biological Weapons Convention (BCW) exists to prevent governments from stacking biological weapons at a large scale or at a small scale but such an organisation fails when it comes to prevent biological weapons falling in the hands of terrorist organisations. The world is changing and so is the potential of biological weapons. The dense populations make it easier for the dissemination of biological weapons. A potent biological weapon can result into something similar as bubonic plague only this time the effect would be global. What the world needs is an organisation like OPCW which would work to make sure that no such biological agent falls in the wrong hands and make the world a safe place to live.

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